mercredi 23 mars 2016

Started my first official novel

It is a dream I had since long, before I only wrote fanfictions, but now I'm starting, I finally decided to start a project, an experience that is important to me and I want to try: I become an author, and I started writing my first real novel! Thanks to my favorite authors, the great John R. R. Tolkien and George R. R. Martin, for have inspired me.
Before that, I of course created the universe in which I want to give life through my texts. As a fan of fantasy, my world will be a Medieval / Fantasy universe, with as few elements of Steampunk. This will be a kind of semi-futuristic Middle Ages. I find the names and created my main characters, antagonists, secondary characters, in short, a lot of work for my brain, and it does not stop there because I also created places, creatures that live in this world, and even the religions. There will be creatures from different mythologies, such as Norse mythology or Greek mythology, but also creatures that I created myself. I also created a timeline of this world, by recounting past events there that have marked the history, even centuries before the first volume.
For those who expect to see a fairy tale, you may be disappointed, because my world is pretty grim and dangerous. Drama, horror, adventure, action, fantasy, and a bit of romance too.
I say no more for now, but the first chapter is already finished and the second is almost, so I'll continue. My name is Mathias J.S. Poupinais. ;)

Mathias, the Lordi Rider
Fire and Blood \m/

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