Wun Wun is a member of the ancestral race of the giants, and is one of the last of his people, if not, the last. In the story, he took refuge, with the wildlings, at Hardhome, hoping to escape the threat of the white walkers. When Jon Snow comes to see the wildlings to offer them an alliance against the army of the dead, Wun Wun shows no sign of hostility towards the Night's Watch, and even seems to pay attention to what Jon is saying. But later, Hardhome found himself attacked by the white walkers, and hundreds of wildlings died in the first minutes, swelling the army of the dead. Wun Wun fights fiercely against the zombies, shredding them in his hands or crushing them under his feet. To protect the escape of the last survivors (including Jon, Ed and Tormund), Wun Wun remains a little behind, armed with a large wooden beam, kills a dozen zombies and gets rid of those who climb on him. Being too heavy for the small boat, the giant is forced to escape by swimming in the icy waters of the north, but he survives. Wun Wun becomes the first giant to cross the wall, but being the only one of his kind, he is very quickly seen by the men of Night's Watch.
After the murder of Jon Snow, Wun Wun and the wildlings attack Castleblack, to prevent the mutineers from burning Jon's body. Wun Wun destroys the door without any problem, and kills a crossbowman who had the bad idea to shoot on him. The giant follows Jon and his army in the quest towards Westeros, considering Jon as a leader. Wun Wun becomes the only giant in Jon's army, but a valuable asset. During the Battle of Winterfell against the Bolton Army, Wun Wun fought again with all his might, killing a horse with a single blow of his fist, and pulling the head of a soldier by the force of his hands. Though wounded, the giant throws himself, body and soul, against the sealed door of Winterfell, destroying it, before falling to the ground, but nevertheless allowing the army of Jon to enter the city. Full of arrows and dying, Wun Wun is killed by Ramsay Bolton, while Jon was worried about the health of his giant friend. Thus died Wun Wun, the last of the giants, who by his sacrifice allowed the liberation of the north and the end of the Bolton tyranny. Wun Wun, the only giant who sacrificed himself for humans.
Wun Wun is my favorite non-human character in Game of Thrones (on the same rank as Drogon and the Night's King). His death saddened me a lot (yeah, I shed tears), because he was a wise character, because he took the time to listen to what others were saying around him and to make decisions on his own. He could have chosen to kill Jon and the other humans, but Wun Wun is intelligent, knowing the threat of the white walkers and knowing that the only way to survive is to be united. For me, Wun Wun deserved more screen time, and I would have liked that his friendship with Jon Snow to be more described. I even wanted that Daenerys, on her way to Westeros, could meet Wun Wun and see a real giant for the first time.
See you next time, humans \m/
Mathias, the Killmaster
Fire and Blood \m/
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