And, we start with a villain from a French franchise, the most emblematic villain of the anime series Wakfu: Nox (or Noximilien) the Xelor.
Noximilien was once an ordinary human, watchmaker and inventor, he spent most of his time inventing machines that would allow him to make a fortune and thus ensure a better life to his wife and children. But one day, in a cavern, he discovered a mysterious artifact, the Eliacube, an object belonging to the extinct civilization of the Eliatropes. Nox, fascinated, took the object in his laboratory to study it. But over the months, the influence of the artifact on Noximilian was felt. He remained alone, locked in his lab, no longer ate, no longer slept and became very aggressive, to the point that he had become skeletal, his face dug with fatigue. His wife became frightened and decided to leave with the children, leaving Noximilian alone. Later, he learned that his wife and children had died as a result of the tidal wave that swallowed up the island where they were, because of the chaos of Ogrest. This news broke the already fragile spirit of Noximilian, plunging him into a chaotic and murderous madness. Determined to make up for his mistakes, he decided to go back in time with the Eliacube, to bring back his family. He abandonned his name Noximilien the watchmaker to become Nox the Xelor.
For 200 years, since Eliacube gave him a longer life than standard, Nox traveled the world to harvest the most energy from Wakfu to power the cube and develop his project. One day, he meets a dragon, Grougaloragran, and Yugo, a young child of the Eliatrope people, containing in him a quantity of Wakfu unimaginable. Nox set out to pursue them to take their energy. Nox ravaged the world, destroying legendary entities, and after failing to take Grougal's Wakfu, he targeted the Sadida kingdom, containing a legendary artefact, the tree of life, the source of life for all Sadidas in the world.
After a terrible battle that saw the death of one of his friends, Yugo faced Nox, and after a titanic fight, Nox emerged victorious in the fight, and seeing that the tanks of the Eliacube were full, decides to go back in time . Unfortunately, the time goes back only 20 minutes (thus effacing the defeat of Yugo), and Nox, impotent and lost, sees his project faded. Nox realizes that he has been manipulated from the beginning by the Eliacube, and that he will never be able to see his family again. Nox fled, and returned to the tombs of his wife and children, where time finally caught up with him, reducing him to a pile of dust, leaving nothing but his helmet and armor in front of the graves of his family. Thus ends the life of Nox, who joins his family in death.
Nox is a Xelor, a magician capable of mastering the powers of time. He can stop time as he pleases, teleport himself, send rays with his hands, or create a sword he uses to fight. With the Eliacube in his possession, Nox's powers are more powerful than those of an ordinary Xelor. One of the most interesting points of Nox is that it is not a villain who does evil for the evil. He's a "Drama villain", because his story is tragic. Nox is not really evil as he want to show it, he just went crazy because of an artefact too powerful for him. Nox was a loving husband and father, and he was ready to do anything to see his family again and redeem his faults, even to destroy the world for that, knowing that by going back in time, all the atrocities he committed during the course of the 200 years will be erased.
Mathias, the Killmaster
Fire and Blood \m/
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