There are many theories about Snoke, for example, some think he would be the first Jedi, having shifted to the dark side, others think he is Darth Plagueis, the former master of Sidious and supposedly dead. Well, it's unlikely, because Snoke is described as not being a sith but a powerful being on the dark side. The origins and race of Snoke are unknown, he is described as a humanoid, bald, with a disfigured face and very old appearance.
The goal of Snoke is to see the new Jedi order disappear, and for that, he will not hesitate to corrupt Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia and apprentice of Luke, so that the latter switches to the dark side and destroy the new Jedi temple. Snoke will train Ben on the dark side and give him a new name: Kylo Ren. Snoke will then try to find Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi master in all the universe and will also show an interest for a young human woman, Rey, from unknown origins, discovered on Jakku and having a great connection with the Force.
Rey will be brought by Kylo Ren to Snoke in his throne room, and Snoke will not fail to show his mastery of the Force, and will not be intimidated by Rey's toughness against him, on the contrary, he laughed about. Unlike palpatine who wanted to find a more powerful apprentice, Snoke shows no interest in Rey's power and even demands that Kylo kill her, showing a very (too much) great confidence in his power. This is what will cause his loss as he once again showed his skills for the mastery of the Force, Kylo Ren takes the opportunity to activate the lightsaber of Rey, which was placed on one side of the throne, which pierces Snoke and cuts him in two. The great leader collapses on the ground, having been deceived by the one who was his apprentice and determined to take his place as supreme leader.
For my part, I was very shocked (and even disappointed) that Snoke died so fast. Played by the excellent actor Andy Serkis, a badass style, a clearly visible power, Snoke is an already iconic villain who deserves better. For my part, I choose to believe that he is not totally dead. If the Jedi can return as spirits of the Force after death, it is confirmed that Dark Side Adepts can too. Snoke could then come back as a dark side spirit, even more powerful than when we was alive, and could haunt Rey by trying to corrupt her to the dark side and push her to kill Kylo Ren. Snoke could even mention Rey's parents to stir up her anger.
Mathias, the Killmaster
Fire and Blood \m/
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