mercredi 31 juillet 2019

My Meetings at London Film and Comic Con 2019

Last weekend, with my sister and a friend, I went to London, for the third or fourth time, I don't really know, to attend an event I attended last year: the London Film and Comic Con, to meet some of the guests I absolutely wanted to meet in real life.
it was not easy because there were delays in the photoshoots, which caused a lot of trouble in the programs, and I thought I could not see all my guests in one afternoon, but I managed anyway :D

Here are the actors / actresses I met, in the order in which I saw them:

1. Erin Kellyman
My first encounter was with the adorable Erin Kellyman, a young actress whose best-known role at the moment is that of the badass and warrior Enfys Nest in Solo: a star wars story, and is seen as one of the most founders of the movement that will later give birth to rebellion against the empire. Enfys is a character too little shown unfortunately, too underrated, but who I think should have her own film, she has the potential, and Erin plays perfectly the role of the young woman warrior carrying on her shoulders the responsibility of having to lead a fight against oppression and tyranny. A beautiful character played by a beautiful actress. :)

2. Lana Parrilla
Ah, the beautiful and talented Lana Parrilla. She was announced among the first guests when the event was announced, and she was the first guest I chose. I discovered her in the very good TV series Once Upon a Time, where she plays the Evil Queen of Snow White, in a masterful way and we feel that she likes to play the character. The character quickly became one of my favorites in the series, and I wanted to meet Lana for a while now. I really like my photo with her, because it almost gives the illusion that we are going to start a dance together ;) Lana, a very great woman <3

3. Gemma Whelan
Oh, one of the guests I wanted to meet most! After meeting the evil queen, I went to meet another of my queens: the one and only sovereign of the iron islands, Gemma Whelan, aka Yara Greyjoy <3 Since I discovered the series, Yara has become one of my favorite characters of all, and I am waiting to meet Gemma for several years now. I could have met her at the All Men Must Die convention in Paris last year, but she had canceled for a scheduled shoot. But I waited and never lose hope, and now, I've met my iron queen, and my dream came true. :) <3

4. Jason Momoa
Do I really need to present this great actor, both in size and talent? The one and only, Mr. Jason Momoa himself! Khal Drogo, Aquaman, etc ... everyone knows him now. Jason is one of the actors I wanted to meet most and I admit to being very intimidated when I entered the studio for the photo. I think he liked my metalhead style because he greeted me with a big smile and showed me his fist, closed, in front of me. I guessed right away. Jason and I greeted each other by shocking our fists against each other. I could never forget this moment. Thanks again Mr. Momoa \m/ :D ah and one last thing: Jason was listening to metal music in the studio where he was, we could hear the music from outside, and it seems to me that it was Motörhead ;) So good!!

5. Vladimir Furdik
And to finish the event, an actor that I met last year at the same event, but I wanted to see again because he is an actor and stuntman that I admire a lot and deserves to be more known: Mr. Vladimir Furdik, aka the Lord of the Dead in Game of Thrones: the Night's King! I was very happy to see him again. I do not know if he recognized me, but that's not what mattered to me. For this photo, I asked him if we could do the pose "raise the dead" together, which posed no problem. I wanted to make the move to rise the dead with him, it was so great to do!! I almost felt like a white walker! :)