mercredi 29 avril 2015

Pokemon Silver Version

I know Pokemon since my childhood, and I really like that. I grew up with these amazing creatures. One of my first games was precisely the game Pokemon Silver Version for the Game Boy Color.

Unfortunately I can no longer play. The cartridge of my game is in perfect condition, but my Game Boy Color is dead. It is completely worn out. I must say that I spent hours and hours playing to Pokemon. To play again, I'll have to get a Nintendo and a new game, because the Game Boy Color are no longer sold since a very long time.

I'm really disappointed that it's over, because I finished the game. I had become master of the League, I had all the badges, more than one hundred Pokémon, I explored the entire map, I had defeated Team Rocket, and I was especially captured the legendary Pokemon Lugia and Entei, two of my favorite legendaries. I beat everyone and I never lost a match, even when I was starting out. This game will really miss me. It's all a part of my life that ended the day my Game Boy passed away.

My team was:
- Feraligatr (lvl 86)
- Lugia (lvl 70)
- Entei (lvl 60)
- Tyranitar (lvl 68)
- Rhydon (lvl 47)
- Magcargo (lvl 38) 

But I still keep my game and my Game Boy in my room, because it's a big sentimental value, but also for all the happiness moments that I had on this amazing game.

                                                                        Mathias, the Lordi Rider 

lundi 27 avril 2015

A really disturbing feeling

At first I did not want to talk about it, but I did not want to keep buried, so I decided to write it.
I had a funny feeling today. I do not remember the exact time. I looked out my bedroom window I could see the sky, the roofs of the other houses in my village, and the street. And at a moment, I had a strange feeling and strange thoughts that lasted a few seconds. I had the feeling of not being in my place in this world, as if I wanted to leave, I do not know where, but no longer in this world. I know it sounds silly, but it's true. It was a strange and rather unpleasant feeling, and I have no idea why I felt at that moment. I felt bad, almost sad. I felt like an alien on another planet.
Then I think back to my suicidal thoughts and the suicide attempt that I made during my nervous breakdown. I hope this is not what I think. That my ideas to having the feeling to have not my place in this world and want to leave are just my suicidal thoughts, repressed and buried, manifested differently. I don't want that. I have no reason to want to leave. I have not talked about it to my parents and I don't dare. I am confused and does not know what to think about that.
DAMN! What's wrong with me? 

samedi 25 avril 2015

New Necromorphs species

It's no secret, I'm a big fan of Dead Space, and of the monsters of the game: the Necromorphs. A cool thing with these creatures is that you can create for them all sorts of different shapes and mutations. With my imagination, I managed to create my own species of Necromorphs, that I draw.


Acid Spitters




Snake Slashers

                                                                                      Mathias, the Lordi Rider

mardi 14 avril 2015

Collect figures and keep childhood's toys: not a stupid thing.

I saw a video on youtube (but I can not find it or remind me the title), or two people showed their collection of figures and other things. They spoke of the fact that keeping his childhood toys and have a collection is not a stupid thing, and I agree with them. Many people think that collectible toys and keep his childhood toys is a baby thing, but it's wrong. On the one hand, it shows that we these objects are very precious to our heart and we want to keep track of our childhood close to us. And Second, it shows that you're passionate, and passion is important.
These two people who showed their collection have all my support (in fact I was really impressed with the collection Ninja Turtles of the guy, I was like "damn, if I had the same ....". :)
Myself, I collect figures and other things, such as masks for example, and I also keep old toys from my childhood. I even keep my three teddy bears with which I was sleeping when I was little. They are part of me, If I wanted to get rid of them, it would be like if I turned my back to my childhood, and I could never do this. Besides, I'll show you some pictures of some objects from my collection, because I'm not afraid to show it to people. They can call me a baby or stupid if they want, their judgment has no value to me and I will continue all the time.

Pics of some things of my collection:

Some of my Bionicle figures

My figure of Daenerys Targaryen, with two Vorgans

My figures of Alien and Predator

Some other figures

Masks collection

My Freddy Krueger's glove

My Predator's Mask 

We never really grew up, there is always a child's part in our mind. He stays awake for some, and others not. Always keep a part of your childhood with you, otherwise you'll regret one day. 

                                                                                   Mathias, the Lordi Rider


dimanche 5 avril 2015

Being different, the intolerance and the rejection.

Death to the intolerance! Not rejection! If you're a torturer, a hateful or a intolerant, you are not welcome here, leave this page and go fuck yourself! There is no place for intolerance in my world.

For the 100th article published on my blog, I'll talk about very serious things, that concern me personally, and thousands more people around the world. Everyone has the right to have a place in this world,

Being different is to be out of the norm in terms of taste, style, physical or mental. Is it wrong or weird? Of course not. On the contrary, being different makes you someone unique. Why am I different? I think this is partly due to my vivid imagination. I create my own world, my creatures, I made thousands of drawings during my life, I invented hundreds of stories, some were completely crazy, but as I felt inspired, I continued. I have several fictional loves, I already dreamed that I kissed them. I even dreamed that I made a love scene with Daenerys (but true love, not porn!). My fascination for weapons, death, the paranormal and the monsters began very early, when I was about 13 years. I was not different in the physical plan, but moral. I have my way of seeing the world and the things around me, and that many people have never understood. I had a normal and happy childhood, but my schooling has been an endless nightmare. From primary school to high school, I was rejected, misunderstood by the others. They laughed of me because of my tastes, my shyness, my difficulty integrating, my family name .... I was shoved, hit, threatened several times ...... I had a few friends during my schooling, but I do not know where they are now. And at high school, it's became unmanageable! My tastes remained the same, especially for music, and I was not like the others. I experienced bullying that became so unbearable that I dropped everything and I left high school. I have them all told to go fuck themselves, and I left, never to return. It was after that I'm falling in depression. it lasted for months, I was convinced that my difference was going to destroy my life, and I hated everyone. I was full of sadness but also of hate. The outright hate! I even attempted to kill myself, and I almost did it. One night, I waited that my parents and my sister are asleep, and I went down discreetly in the kitchen. I took a knife in the drawer and I wanted to cut my veins. But I have not been able to. I thought about my parents and all my family, the evil I would do them if I did that. I gave up and I've never told my attempt of suicide to my parents. I decided to go see a psychologist, which helped me to get rid of the hatred that consumed me, and a few months later, I retook taste to life.
If you think I invented this story, go fuck yourself! I don't mess with these things!

When I see testimonials from young people who said they wanted to commit suicide because they are martyred, it really makes me angry, because I have experienced the same situation. I saw unfortunately in articles, that some young people like me, who see life differently and have different tastes, that have committed suicide because they were misunderstood or martyred by their classmates. Intolerance and rejection are weapons sometimes worse than a gun or a knife, as they act as a poison or a flame that destroys you from the inside gradually, and when you mix intolerance and rejection, we get a very dangerous mixture as destructive a bomb. I can not stand the intolerance and lack of respect.
If like me, you are different, know that you are not alone. I support you, I respect your choices and tastes. Respect me and I will respect you. If you want to be my friend, no problem. But if you're an asshole of intolerant, hater or torturer, get out of here and go to hell!

No Intolerance! No Reject! No Bullies! Be proud to be like you are! If I can be, You too!

                                                                                                                           Mathias, the Lordi Rider