mercredi 29 avril 2015

Pokemon Silver Version

I know Pokemon since my childhood, and I really like that. I grew up with these amazing creatures. One of my first games was precisely the game Pokemon Silver Version for the Game Boy Color.

Unfortunately I can no longer play. The cartridge of my game is in perfect condition, but my Game Boy Color is dead. It is completely worn out. I must say that I spent hours and hours playing to Pokemon. To play again, I'll have to get a Nintendo and a new game, because the Game Boy Color are no longer sold since a very long time.

I'm really disappointed that it's over, because I finished the game. I had become master of the League, I had all the badges, more than one hundred Pokémon, I explored the entire map, I had defeated Team Rocket, and I was especially captured the legendary Pokemon Lugia and Entei, two of my favorite legendaries. I beat everyone and I never lost a match, even when I was starting out. This game will really miss me. It's all a part of my life that ended the day my Game Boy passed away.

My team was:
- Feraligatr (lvl 86)
- Lugia (lvl 70)
- Entei (lvl 60)
- Tyranitar (lvl 68)
- Rhydon (lvl 47)
- Magcargo (lvl 38) 

But I still keep my game and my Game Boy in my room, because it's a big sentimental value, but also for all the happiness moments that I had on this amazing game.

                                                                        Mathias, the Lordi Rider 

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