mercredi 1 juin 2016

Villain of the Month - Edition N°11

Hellcome humans for the new edition who put the best fictional villains on the planet in the spotlight. This month, I'm proud to present a villain from my country, from a French fantasy series: the main antagonist of the season 2 of Wakfu and one of the most dangerous of the series: Qilby the traitor.

In the world of Wakfu, Qilby is a member of Eliatrope people, but even more, it is one of the first six Eliatropes born, and thereby, is immortal and after each of its dead, returns to his Dofus, an egg of dragon, to be reborn again. Qilby is found by Yugo and Adamaï while he remained locked in a lost dimension. Qilby discovers that the world has changed since his departure and then tells what happened to Eliatrope people, saying that a race of machines, the Mechasmsn have, centuries ago, destroyed Eliatrope civilization, forcing them to change of planet. But a Mechasm, Orgonax, has traced the Eliatropes and caused their end. During the fight, Qilby said he lost his arm because of Orgonax and Yugo, to save the life of his king, sent him to the lost dimension or he had remained locked since. This is the version of Qilby, but the truth is otherwise. Soon, Qilby proves to be crazy, or even dangerous. With the eliacube, he recovers quickly his strength and his lost arm. The purpose of Qilby is simple: leave the world of twelve with a ship, the Zinith, and use all the Wakfu energy present in the world to take off the machine, even if this world is to be destroyed. Qilby wants to leave to go to the discovery of new worlds, considering that the Eliatropes are the chosen people and must therefore explore the universe, opinion is not shared by Yugo and Adamaï, who consider the destruction of a innocent world is not worth that excuse. During the final battle, Qilby reveals to Yugo that he is himself responsible for the attack f the Mechasms on the Eliatrope people, centuries ago, and therefore, it is the dragon Phaeris, ally of Yugo, that wounded Qilby to the arm, and Yugo, to punish Qilby, had banished him to a lost dimension. The battle between the two enemies resumed again. Yugo learns by Eliatropes survivor that he himself is the king, and not Qilby who declared himself king, considering more able to lead the people and saying that Yugo is not worthy of such a title.

As the first five other Eliatropes, Qilby has the power of immortality and reborn in each of his "dead". But however, Qilby has an additional capability, which is a kind of curse. If the other Eliatropes, as Yugo, lose all memory of their past life in their rebirth, meanwhile, Qilby never forget. He keeps the memory of all his past lives, every moment is etched in his mind. With this, Qilby acquired thousands of years of knowledge through his lives, but over time, it has lost all taste for life, considering that he had seen everything and had to go elsewhere, taking with him his people against their will if necessary. All his years of solitude, imprisonment and the influence of eliacube on his mind eventually make Qilby crazy and paranoid, seeing all others as inferior and against him.
Qilby has a strength and powers tenfold with the force of eliacube. But what makes him really dangerous is his intelligence. Despite his psychosis, Qilby is very clever, and takes sadistic pleasure in manipulating everyone to use them to its prorpes intêrets. In one episode, Qilby said to Yugo that he likes to see people fight each other. Qilby therefore proves to be a sadist.
But despite that, Qilby belongs to the "dramatic villains" because despite his psychopathic behavior, if you know its history, also feels sorry for him. His strength is his curse. Because even if he is immortal, Qilby is condemned to live forever with the memories of each of his past lives, never forgetting. And even if Qilby is claiming himself invincible, he has a fear that Yugo guessed throughout their battle: Qilby is afraid to be alone. Loneliness is his greatest fear. During the fighting, Qilby hurt Yugo, Adamaï, Grougaloragran and Phaeris but never kill them, because knowing that if he kill them and all his people, he will be alone.  

For his story, his curse, his personnality and his powers, Qilby deserves to be in the list of the most charismatic villains. 

See you next month for the next edition \m/

Mathias, the Killmaster
Fire and Blood \m/ 

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